Insert into select statement gets data from one table and inserts in another table. To do so data type in From(source table) and To(target table) must match, It does not affect the record in source table.
Without Condition
All Columns
To copy all records from one table to another table following syntax is used.
INSERT INTO target_table
SELECT * FROM source_table
Specified Columns
To insert data from specific columns, Columns names have to be specified in both (target and source) tables.
INSERT INTO target_table(Name,Mobile,......)
SELECT Name,Mobile.......
FROM source_table
With Condition
All Columns
To copy specific record set records from one table to another table following syntax is used.
To copy specific record set records from one table to another table following syntax is used.
INSERT INTO target_table
SELECT * FROM source_table
where ID between 1 and 100
The above statement will insert all records from source table to target table where ID is between and 100.
Specified Columns
To insert data from specific columns, Columns names have to be specified in both (target and source) tables.
INSERT INTO target_table(Name,Mobile,......)
SELECT Name,Mobile.......
FROM source_table
where ID between 1 and 100
The above statement will insert records from 1 to 100 from source to target for columns specified where ID is between and 100.
Note: Records from auto generated column(s) are not copied from source table.
SQL Between Operator
For further question please mail: brainstormiert@gmail.com